(생활영어) 성격을 나타내는 형용사들
< Be verb(Be 동사) 활용 >
Subject(주어) + Be verb + Noun(명사)의 문장구조라면 Subject = Noun (동급).
Subject(주어) + Be verb + Adjective(형용사) 의 문장구조라면 Adjective가 Subject를 꾸며준다 (수식).
Subject(주어) + Be verb + Adjective(형용사) 문장 구조에 다양한 형용사를 활용하여 성격/감정 표현을 연습 할 수 있다.
이 때 주의 할 것은
1. Be 동사를 써야한다 (ex) I am open-minded.
2. 한국말 하듯 ~person 을 붙이지 않는다. (ex) I'm lazy person (X) -> I'm lazy. (O)
A. Describing people | |
cold-hearted ( Negative ) laid-back ( N ) open-minded ( Positive ) smooth-talking ( N ) stuck-up ( N ) levelheaded ( P ) old-fashioned ( N ) well-off ( P ) tight-fisted ( N ) high-spirited ( P ) quick-witted ( P ) bigheaded ( N ) two-faced ( N ) good-looking ( P ) cool-headed ( P ) hot-tempered ( N ) narrow-minded ( N ) easygoing ( P ) self-centered ( N ) warm-hearted ( P ) hot-headed ( N ) |
인정 머리 없는 게으른 포용력있는 말 만 번지르르 한 건방진 상식이 있는 구식의 부유한 씀씀이가 짠 가치를 추구하는 두뇌회전이 빠른 아는 척 하는 두 얼굴의 잘 생긴 냉철한 성격이 급한 속이 좁은 느긋한 자기 중심적인 마음이 따뜻한 성급한 |
This is a personilities and characteristics which means __________ |
B. Fill the blanks with a compound adjective from part A.
1. My brother never donates anything to charity. He thinks poor people deserve to be poor. He is very ___________ .2. I have a very __________ friend. He never buys lunch for anyone and would rather walk than take the bus to save money. 3. I can't understand why people get depressed. There's so much to look forward to everyday. I guess I'm ___________.4. Most taxi drivers are so _____________. They always want to fight with other drives if they make a mistake.5. My neighbor never talks to me even when I say hello to her. She's so _____________. She thinks she's so much better than me.
C. Ask and answer the following questions with a partner.1. Which three compound adjectives would you use to describe a typical person from your country?2. Are your parents old-fashioned, or do they keep up with the times?3. Have you ever been persuaded to buy something you didn't want by a smooth-talking salesperson?4. Which nationalities would you describe as high-spirited?
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"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."