Studying English with the movie 'The pursuit of happiness'
The pursuit of happiness
It's a true story about a man
The fime features Will smith as Christopher Gardner, an on-and-off homeless sales man turned stockbroker.
Good movie to study English, easy to follow up without the subtitle
You will find the great father :)
1. Period at the end of a sentence
Period, when used this way, indicates that something is irrevocable or no longer discussable. So when you say something like ‘He was the best. Period’, you’re saying that the point of him being the best is something not up for discussion.
Chris Gardner/Father : I said POSSIBLY we would be going to the game
you know what possibly means?
like probably?
No, probably means there's a good chance that we will go
Possibly means we might, we might not
what does probably mean?
It means, we have a good chance
And what dose possibly mean?
I know what it means
What does it mean?
It means we are NOT going to the game!
Ha.. How did you get so smart?
Because you are smart
2013/04/09 - [개인의취향/영화 :)] - (추천영화) 행복을 찾아서, 2006, 윌 스미스, 실화바탕
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