영어, English :p/바로써먹는생활영어

(생활영어) 영어로 배우는 첫인상에 대한 표현과 선입견

띤가띤가 2012. 7. 25. 10:00

Don't judge a book by its cover 라는 말이 있죠. 겉 모습만 보고 판단하지 말라. 

그럼에도 첫인상은 사람을 판단하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 

외모/첫인상에 대한 설명, 성격을 나타내는 영어표현 들을 바탕으로 

첫인상이 주는 선입견에 대한 표현을 어떻게 영어로 말할 수 있는지 알아봅시다 :)


< Snap Judgement >

Match the appearance/characteristics of the people in A to the typical beliefs about them in B.

  A.   B.

1. People with red hair 

2. People with type B blood

3. Men who have tatoos

4. Very short people 

5. People who wear glasses

6. Women with vwry short hair 

7. Men with beards

8. Blondes

9. Men who wear earrings 

10. Women who wear heavy makeup

11. People who bite their nails

12. Overweight people

13. Women who wear short skirts

a. violent 

b. easy 

c. intelligent 

d. nervous 

e. dirty 

f. lesbian

g. domineering 

h. not intelligent

i. selfish

j. gay

k. aggressive

l. alluring

m. lazy 

Ask and answer the following questions with a partner.

1. Do you think any of the comments above are offensive/funny?

2. Do you believe most people make judgements like the ones in part A when they first meet someone?

3. Is it dangerous to make judgements like these? Why/Why not? 

4. What kind of 'snap judgements' do you think people might make about you?

5. Do you think that appearance plays a role when companies hire employees? (Age Gender Skin color)

Beard 수염
nervous 예민한
domineering 지배적인
aggressive 공격적인
alluring 유혹적인